Tuesday, August 31, 2010

El Erik Dream Speech

Dr. kings "i have a dream" speech played an amazingly huge role in the ending of all segregation in the united states of America. it has been referred to by many other references. it is used in knowing and understanding public speaking. they saw that Dr. king's excitement and enthusiasm started when he stopped reading off a scrip and used what he knew and believed. many say he became famous because he spoke from the heart.

it inspired many lawmakers and people in this country who could actually make a change. like most of us in this AP class. but it also lead to many discrimination accidents in the u.s. but it was all over come by the civil rights movement that freed any slaves they had back in those days.

what i know is that those days things were not pretty. many people killed or treated bad because of the color of their skin. i have personally gone though discrimination and i know how it feels. Dr. king had a vision of how the world would be if there was no racial discrimination as so many people did. but Dr. king actually did something about it not just told his friends and forgot about it. his death was not in vain and will be remembered for a very very long time.

-Erik Rosales